[See Rule 9-A(1)(c), 9-E and 9-F]
Declaration to be furnished by a dealer in respect of goods mentioned in First Schedule sold by him to another dealer in the State
1. I/We.............................................................being a registered dealer holdings Registration Certificate No...............................dated .........................under the K.T.E.G Act, 1979 and carrying on business in the name and style of address) have sold ...............................(quantity) of................................(description of goods) for M/s...........................................(name with full address) in my/our Bill No.............................dated ..........................
2. I/We have caused entry of the above goods into the local area...................................(name of the local area) and ( I am/we are liable to tax under the K.T.E.G Act, 1979 and we shall pay the same;I/We have purchased the above goods from M/s. ......................................... (name with full address) having Registration Certificate No.................................vide their sale bill No.................................dated..........................and the said dealer has stated that he/his seller would be liable to pay tax on the said goods purchased by me, and I am/we are not liable to tax under the K.T.E.G Act, 1979 in view of the declaration furnished by them.
3. I am/we are on the rolls of ...............................(specify assessing authority).
Place :
Date :
Name of the signatory
What do we do incase the supplier does not agree to provide form 40
ReplyDeleteThen dont send shipment.